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Specimen: 2 mL (1 mL min.) serum from 1 SST. Ship refrigerated or frozen. Stability (Room): 2 hrs Stability (Refrigerated): 48 hrs Stability (Frozen): 72 hrs Method: Slide/ tube Agglutination Comment: Also see BRUCELLA ANTIBODY, FEBRILE AGGLUTININS PANEL & WEIL FELIX TEST. Price: Contact Medilab Turnaround time (TAT): 2 hrs Usage: Widal test is used...

Specimen: Submit positive culture Growth. Ship refrigerated. DO NOT FREEZE. Stability (Room): 2 hrs Stability (Refrigerated): 48 hrs Stability (Frozen): N/A Method: Rapid Automated Susceptibility testing Comment: Price: Contact Medilab Turnaround time (TAT): 10 – 15 days Usage: Antifungal susceptibility testing plays a very important role because of developing antifungal resistance and intrinsic resistance of...

Specimen: Submit Miscellaneous specimens (Sputum, Urine, Pus, Body Fluids like pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, gastric, bronchial, semen etc.) in a sterile screw capped container OR Swabs in sterile normal saline OR Bone marrow in 1 Green Top (Sodium Heparin) tube or smeared onto 4 clean glass slides fixed immediately in 95% ethanol for 30 minutes and...

Specimen: 2 mL (0.5 mL min.) Serum from 1 Red Top (No Additive) tube. Do not use SST gel barrier tubes. Separate serum from cells immediately. Ship refrigerated or frozen. Stability (Room): N/A Stability (Refrigerated): 3 days Stability (Frozen): 3 months Method: Nephelometry Comment: Price: Contact Medilab Turnaround time (TAT): 10 – 15 days Usage:...

Specimen: 3 mL (2 mL min.) . of EDTA Plasma. Ship refrigerated or frozen. Stability (Room): N/A Stability (Refrigerated): 6 hrs Stability (Frozen): 14 days Method: RIA Comment: Price: Contact Medilab Turnaround time (TAT): 10 – 15 days Usage: SIADH occuring with Neoplasia, Pulmonary Disorder, CNS Disorders And With Specific Drugs. Fasting Sample in a...

Specimen: Submit Endocervical Swab innoculated in Amies charcoal transport medium available from Medilab. Ship refrigerated. Stability (Room): 2 hrs Stability (Refrigerated): 48 hrs Stability (Frozen): N/A Method: Conventional culture, Automated-MIC, MALDITOF-MS, KBDD Comment: Price: Contact Medilab Turnaround time (TAT): 3 days Usage: Common organisms isolated are S.aureus, E.coli, Proteus species, S.agalactiae, Enterococcus & Klebsiella. On...