Specimen: Submit Tissue in 10% formal-saline OR formalin fixed paraffin embedded Tissue Block. Ship at room temperature. Provide a copy of the Histopathology report, Site of biopsy and Clinical history.
Stability (Room): N/A
Stability (Refrigerated): N/A
Stability (Frozen): N/A
Method: IHC
Comment: Use Test Code J043G for Gastric tumors. Use test code J113 for Photomicrograph. Samples received on holidays will be reported in next schedule/next working day.
Price: Contact Medilab
Turnaround time (TAT): 15 – 20 days
Usage: Her-2 overexpression in breast carcinoma is associated with shorter disease free interval and shorter overall survival. Her-2 positive breast cancers tend to be more aggressive but treatments that target Her-2 are very effective. Expression of Her-2 protein is an indication for specific therapy with Trastuzumab / Herceptin / Pertuzumab / Neratinib in patients with breast cancer.
Specialty: Oncologist, Pathologist
Disease: Cancer
Courier Charges:
Home Collection: Not Available
Pre-test Information: Provide a copy of the Histopathology report, Site of biopsy and Clinical history.